Class Descriptions

CFS Classic

Welcome to our standard Crossfit class! Your coach will take you through a group warm-up, strength and/or skill work, as well as the workout of the day (WOD). Your coach will be there to guide you through a variety of different exercises including strength, conditioning, gymnastics, endurance, and much more! CrossFit workouts are different every day and can be modified to help each athlete achieve their goals. The workouts may be adapted for people at any age and level of fitness. We promise to help you become stronger, fitter, faster, and a more confident version of yourself.

We offer this class every day, multiple times per day! 



M = Movement

O = Optimize health

V = Versatility

E = Everyone

CFS MOVE will get you moving to optimize your health! The versatility of this class makes it accessible to everyone! It is based on the same principles as regular CrossFit only scaled back to focus on bodyweight movements, lighter weights, and cardio. A great choice for those just starting out or those wanting a slightly less complex class. As always you will have fun and leave feeling accomplished!

CFS Health

This class focuses on the longevity of movement. CFS Health starts with 40 minutes of strength and conditioning followed by 20 minutes of mobility and stretching. This class is perfect for maintaining health at any age. Our goal is to get you in for a great workout with recovery time built into the hour!